Perhaps someone can help, I feel like sort of closer, perhaps the piece I am missing is still, how anim8or stores its angles.
I have a quaternion at a bone (absolute quaternion, basically, I trawled the hierarchy), that I'm doing rotation in anim8or of:
x 0.52576530 float
y 0.084034257 float
z 0.40772036 float
w 0.74180400 float
Off of this bone, in FBX format, a rotation (Euler XYZ of 58.675510 y=33.600880 z=38.327244), yields in anim8or 30 60 90, which matches and works great. However, converting to anim8or also always yields a second solution for anim8or, in this case, -150 120 -140. I cannot figure out why in anim8or, that set of angles yields a different rotation visually. The quaternions should be identical (or 360 degrees off). Maybe someone can explain why those two rotations do not yield identical results about that bone, that would be very helpful!
I've attached the sample an8, go to sequence mode, then use this part: