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Messages - Deepthought

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General Anim8or Forum / Re: SMD skeleton to an8 skeleton
« on: November 09, 2014, 03:02:22 pm » contains a viewer and some decompiled SMDs

Right now I'm just trying to get some source models into anim8or. I already have code for parsing SMD files and for parsing and saving an8 files. the math for converting in between is what's giving me problems.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: SMD skeleton to an8 skeleton
« on: November 08, 2014, 05:45:14 pm »
for SMD x is left, y is forward, z is up.
could you walk me through the math?
I'm still trying to make sense of that VB code

General Anim8or Forum / SMD skeleton to an8 skeleton
« on: November 08, 2014, 02:44:59 pm »
I am writing a program to convert SMD files to an8.
The bones of an smd file are defined by a position and 3 euler angles in radians. I am using the following code to convert to an8

Code: [Select]
smdbone sb=bones.get(x);
Bone b = new Bone();;
b.length=new Vector3f(sb.x,sb.y,sb.z).length();

                     Quat4f orientation= new Quat4f();
           Quat4f xrot=new Quat4f();
            Quat4f yrot=new Quat4f();
            Quat4f zrot=new Quat4f();

                      xrot.set(new AxisAngle4f(1,0,0,sb.rotx));
            yrot.set(new AxisAngle4f(0,1,0,sb.roty));
            zrot.set(new AxisAngle4f(0,0,1,sb.rotz));
            orientation.mul(yrot);// same as orientation=orientation*yrot
            System.out.println("orientation "+orientation.x+" "+orientation.y+" "+orientation.z+" "+orientation.w);
         b.orientation=(Quat4f) orientation.clone();[/code]
the output skeleton looks like a torture victim.
any ideas where i'm going wrong?

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: question about float keys
« on: October 14, 2014, 01:42:13 pm »
Thank you

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / question about float keys
« on: October 13, 2014, 09:40:26 pm »
the old anim8or spec describes a float key chunk as:

Code: [Select]
<floatkey> ::= floatkey { <$int> <$float> <$string> }

    <$int> is the frame number for this key.
    <$float> is the value.
    <$string> is a string used to modify the behavior of this knot.
    It is currently ignored.

in one of my files created with the new version of anim8or i see

Code: [Select]
floatkey { 0 23.025 6.9703 -6.9703 "S" }
the first number is still the frame number, and the second is still the value. any ideas what the next 2 are for?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: old motorcycle
« on: September 20, 2014, 04:29:15 pm »
Shame about the tyres. Convert to subdivided? 

I would, but I think that would bring my poly count too high.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / old motorcycle
« on: September 19, 2014, 03:49:13 pm »
just got done texturing this old motorcycle.
Even though it's not shown, it has a skeleton to allow steering and for the wheels to turn

that looks correct, thanks!

currently, i am trying to figure out how weight painting is recorded.

Code: [Select]
weights { "mesh01"
                (1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))
                (1 (0 1))

Could we get an updated specification doc for the an8 format?

first model:

first good animation:

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Anim8or 3D Viewer
« on: July 23, 2014, 07:58:44 pm »
*jaw drops*
can it display figures or play sequences?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: This... is... MY BOOMSTICK!
« on: April 19, 2014, 08:44:57 pm »
which one did you think the textures need work on? or both?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / This... is... MY BOOMSTICK!
« on: April 15, 2014, 09:30:06 pm »
pump action and double-barreled shotgun

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: X-wing then and now.
« on: February 12, 2014, 09:38:37 am »
Thanks, guys!
which paint job should i give it? Wedge, Tycho, or CorSec?

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