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Messages - Arik_the_Red

Pages: 1 ... 6 7 [8] 9 10 ... 53
Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: March 22, 2012, 03:11:35 pm »
Thanks, Geek... What's really great, is that I got a theme tune courtesy of another anim8or member... So, in a sense, this is a combined effort of two anim8or-nuts... Me as visuals, and cooldude as musical score composer!

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: March 22, 2012, 02:11:09 pm »
Alrighty, well, I've a rough-up in the works... The robot has a lot of detail taking shape, but here's an early development render.  Note, legs are going to have much more work in them, and the body has much more to go as well. I just cobbled basic forms to work on animation tests as I bounce between modelling and animating.

If anyone takes on this idea and creates something, I would love to see what you come up with.

Comments and criticisms are much welcome.

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: March 18, 2012, 11:24:08 pm »
Updated the glowing red sphere thread, to give an idea of the end result when adapting to create two "red robot eyes" with video of camera circling.

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: March 18, 2012, 08:20:49 pm »
Here, I decided to overkill and type a long, blathering tutorial on how I make glowing things...  Enjoy, or not... here it is:

The Giant Robot Challenge prompted me to share this...

This is how I have made "fake glows" in anim8or. It is somewhat limited in its uses because the "glow" object does cast shadows when used with lights... but, here we go...


OBJECT: Red Sphere
Diameter:  50
Coordinates:  0,0,0
  • Ambient: 0.30
  • Dffuse: 0.70
  • Specular: 0.0  White
  • Emissive: 0.0  Black
  • Rough:  32
  • Trans:  0.325
  • Brilliance:  1
  • Color: Red-250   Green-0   Blue-0

Name this Object "Red Sphere": SETTINGS > OBJECT ... > "Red Sphere"

Make a 50 diameter cylinder, turn it so that the end faces Front... convert to mesh, and delete all points, vertices and faces except for one of end panels.
Coordinates:  0,0,0
Be sure that the panel shows on 0 from top and side views as well as front.
  • Ambient: 1
  • Dffuse: 0.0
  • Specular: 0.0  White
  • Emissive: 0.0  Black
  • Rough:  32
  • Trans:  0.325
  • Brilliance:  1
  • Color (White): R-255   G-255   B-255
Texture: Set Trans to 100%, and use this image:

Name this Object "Glow Panel": SETTINGS > OBJECT ... > "Glow Panel"


Creates a red ball with a glow inside. Key effect is that the glow is always round from the camera view, because it is set to always face the camera.

This effect is much more versatile in use than an outside glow, because there is no issue with the glow panel casting shadows, since it in encased within the sphere...

In Scene Mode, create your scene or use existing scene, as follows:

1: Environment Settings: SETTINGS > ENVIRONMENT >
  • Set Solid Background Color to Black - Black is best for seeing this test
  • Disable Ground Grid

2: Red Sphere Set Up in Scene:
  • Add Red Sphere: BUILD > ADD OBJECT > select "red sphere" object
  • Double-Click on the glow pane object, bringing up the Object Parameters panel.and name this eobject "Red Sphere"
  • Hide the sphere: Select the sphere object, and hide it for the moment... Keyboard Command: <lowercase-h> or EDIT > HIDE... We hide the sphere so that we can work with the next object - the glow panel - and more easily set it up to function with the red sphere.

3: Glow Panel Set Up in Scene:

  • Add Glow Panel: BUILD > ADD OBJECT > select "glow panel" object
  • Double-Click on the glow pane object, bringing up the Object Parameters panel.
    and name this eobject "Glow Panel"
  • Set "Parent" field to read: "Red Sphere"... this attaches the glow panel object to the red sphere so that where ever you move the red sphere, the panel will move as well.
  • Set the Orientation by clicking on "Facing Other" and filling in the "Other:" box with the camera name (camera01 is the default name, unless you renamed the camera). NOTE: Be absolutely sure you have clicked on the "Facing Other" circle check, or this step is wasted and needs done again. Now, the glow panel will always face the camera.
  • Press "OK"... NOTE: The glow panel will disappear, because it has joined to the red sphere, which is hidden... thus, both are now hidden.
  • Show All Objects! Keyboard command <Shift-H> or EDIT > Show All
The red sphere should reappear, with the glow panel nestled inside, facing the camera. The screenshot is as follows:

The ultimate result should be a red sphere with a glow inside, the glow always facing the camera.

One major downside to this is that, if the camera is not facing the glow panel directly, it may have odd, not properly round, appearance.

Feel free to adjust Ambient and Brilliance in the Glow Panel object's material, increasing the values to increase the intensity of the glow effect.

NOTE: The above render was performed in Scanline render option. Results vary depending upon which Renderer is used. For example, ART Ray Tracer may require a much higher Ambient and Brilliance to get the desired bright glow.


Here, a quick variation of the above creation...

I changed the red sphere into a half-sphere with a surrounding gray frame... changed the red material's transparency to 0.32, brightened the glow panel material...

and in scene mode made two sets equal space apart, and threw together a video of camera circling around the pair...

Take note that the glow appears unchanging and constant ball of light, though it is really a 2D panel with a transparency glow texture.

And, a still render of the pair of "robot eyes," followed by screen shot of the scene:

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: March 07, 2012, 03:33:03 pm »
cool stuff so far!

David, is that a robby the robot inspiration?

Anyway, just playing with eyeball idea here...


General Anim8or Forum / Re: forum registration down?
« on: March 05, 2012, 02:56:01 pm »
I would have to agree with Kreator... the website and forum as a whole would do greatly with upgrading. Of course, forum change could result in the loss of a lot of wonderful current and older/archive works here...

Then again, anim8or as a software really needs attention... so perhaps to upgrade the site may not complement the program's slipping into antiquity....

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Anim8orWorld Free Model
« on: March 05, 2012, 12:04:21 am »
That's a fun model, Kevin. Is it one of yours?  Also, that oriental dragon on the monthly mailer is pretty wild! Kudos to Mills!

General Anim8or Forum / forum registration down?
« on: February 28, 2012, 05:52:07 pm »
Hi, a friend of mine wants to get into anim8or, and said she cannot register with the forum... is the forum locked out for new members indefinitely?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: JL-Thanks anim8or!!!
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:30:44 pm »
phenomenal work! a real fun piece to watch and enjoy

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Siiya Holding Guitar [Finished!]
« on: February 19, 2012, 05:13:45 pm »
very nice all around. well done, soy! and hes, you could have some extra fun in the look going to Tof's suggestions.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Castle of Dark Dreams
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:55:26 pm »
Well, my PC's been down for a long stretch, but got going again... and, along with updating the TransNeptune work (name change in progress), I decided to do a bit of a personal project for someone... designing a castle, with exterior and key interior features...

To start, I thought it would be fun to make a wine cellar.... so experimenting with that here:

...and close up of one of my barrels (Arik's misappropriated rum ;-) )

I still need to do a lot here... and am trying to figure out the best way to make torches that appear to be the light source - fire is a pain to figure - make a flame without a shadow.... hmmmm....

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge #29: GIANT ROBOTS!!!
« on: February 19, 2012, 01:13:13 pm »
Oh yeah... got my machine back in order... time to get the BIG machine a-moving....

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge suggestions.
« on: January 19, 2012, 11:51:29 am »
A year passed? Well, yes, one calendar's off the wall to make room for 2012... but only five-ish weeks in real time, right?

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