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Messages - Nellucnaiv

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General Anim8or Forum / Re: Expanding the Editing Track in Scene Mode
« on: September 25, 2017, 03:21:01 am »
Hi Claude,
Thanks a lot. I have managed to see all the elements with the little + expand buttons. I was battling with the simple action of moving the dividing line between visuals and tracks to see more of them at the same time it now thank you!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 25, 2017, 03:13:28 am »
Those flames and shadows look really good. Wonderful atmosphere there! I've set my lights into the flames as you suggested and it works like a charm! Thanks so much, what a difference!

General Anim8or Forum / Expanding the Editing Track in Scene Mode
« on: September 24, 2017, 01:40:14 pm »
Hi all,

Is it possible to expand the editing track in Scene Mode? I have about 30 tracks including morphs and lights to edit and can only view 2 items simultaneously with the scroll button.

Thanks in advance for any info,

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 23, 2017, 06:28:39 am »
Thanks Blue Dalek,

I'm trying...not so easy! :)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 22, 2017, 02:04:37 am »
Thank you so much to all of you for so freely sharing your advice and knowledge. The support is valued!

ENSONIQ was right about the 'normals'. I detached the floor and roof, flipped normals and reattached/ joined solid. Turns out my specular value of 0.6 for both needed to be tweaked to 1.2. I now have light!! Just need to fiddle with local inner and outer amount s. 250 and 400 comes close but will tweak it later when I have some time. Still want to try filters in front of the camera for the candle flames.

Thanks everyone, great to have support like this!

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 21, 2017, 04:08:38 am »
Thanks so much Kreator, I understand. I notice that local angles can't be changed. I've tried as recommended but still no visible light.
Thanks for your time

Thank you for the detailed help ENSONIQ5.
I tried fixing and flipping normals. I still have no light visible. However, 4 small illuminated circles appear in the lights locations in the ceiling now when rendering.
I am using Art Ray Trace as Scanline is extremely slow, about 5 minutes to render 1 image of 400 x 300 when I tested compared to about 4 seconds for the same using Art, unless I'm doing something wrong?

As far as the textures go, I built the hallway in units using seamless rock and floor tile jpegs and rotated them to face the correct way using UV function. I used the same images in higher contrast for Bumpmaps on both, set at 100%. Other than that, I used the standard materials settings except for the roughness which I have at 3.0 as I don't want the material to appear too smooth and shine.

I so appreciate your advice, any idea what the problem could be?
Best regards,

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 20, 2017, 01:01:54 pm »
Hi there. Thanks so much for your advice and input. I don't quite understand the scaling function on lights. I know you can make them larger or smaller but I see the beam lines stay identical. I thought it was merely to make editing easier without bulky lights in the way? Does it also decrease or increase their intensity? I'll give the 50/60 angle a go. At the moment I also have 3 glow filters around each flame with ambience set at 8.0 for each, transparency at 0.01 which I move as the flame moves with a local shining right into it. It gives a reasonably realistic glow but no light is actually seen on the walls. Is there a better way? I thought of placing a flat, smooth, transparent reflective patch behind each on the wall? Sorry about the letter but I'd really like to try and get it looking good.
Thanks again!

General Anim8or Forum / Old Hallway candle lighting ideas?
« on: September 19, 2017, 01:23:13 pm »
Hi all,  :D
I'm putting together a scene that takes place in an old medieval type hallway.  I've made the hallway, candles and morphs for the flames to move and flicker,(hopefully).  ::)
I have four candles and have set a spotlight over each one with inner 25 and outer 35 degrees radius which seems sort of okay but I'd like the candles to shed their light on the walls.(like real candles). Any ideas or suggestions?
I thought of using some kind of glow filters for this but mine are spheres and to blatantly visible!  :o
I'd also like to try and get the shadows from them to move which I thought may work if I move the lights randomly ever so slightly above them. I have a character that I'm working on and would like the light from the (candles) to cast his shadows.

Gee, I'd really appreciate any input on making this scene look a bit spooky!?  ;)

Look forward to any of your replies.


General Anim8or Forum / Can you scale when creating Morph targets?
« on: August 13, 2017, 07:35:09 am »
I've made a character face that I created morph targets for but when I scaled them smaller, one target distorted and the other ended upside down with a back view. When I rotated it, it had also distorted. I think I've got a nasty detailed character but I can see the mesh has way to many points. Could that be the problem....also eats RAM!! Where do I check the amount of faces and points an object has....what seems to be a reasonable amount of faces/points for a mesh for less RAM usage? My PC has 2Gb ram. I would really appreciate any help, suggestions or replies. ???
Hope u all have a good one!

Hey there!
Thanks so much, I appreciate it very much. I'm going to check them out now. Should I change any voices on one or two, I'll send you a copy. Hope I can do them justice.  :o

Thanks again for your generosity!

 ;) Awesome!! I like it. A lot of planning, thought and calculation must have gone into this. People don't always appreciate the amount of work that goes into games. Well done!! ::) 8)

Hi neirao,
I appreciate your welcome very much and wish you all the best with the characters you're working on!!
I'd love to look at some of the stuff you're making. Animation's a wonderful interest. Doing voices, I just don't have the time I'd like to spend animating characters.

I'll try @johnar
Thanks so much again and all the best in your adventures!!  ::) :P

Hi all,
I'm new here. I used Anim8or many years ago and am a bit rusty, I've been trying to make game head animations for voice over gaming samples. I'm trying to get into doing gaming or other cartoon voices. Does anyone have any character video clips from 30sec to 1min long that they'd be willing to share for me to create demos?
I will put your name as the credit for the animations...perhaps it could also help get someone into full time animation?
Here's a link to my voice overs should you like to take a listen. I recommend listening "Voice Showcase" and "Game/Animation Characters"

I really hope some of you are keen! Other ideas are welcome too!

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