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Messages - Trevor

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 15
General Anim8or Forum / Re: Help with points rotation
« on: January 28, 2024, 08:33:36 am »
its rotating about the center of selection, v98 rotated about the origin.
Center of selection is better on larger models as the selection doesnt "move" whereas before the selection would dissapear off the other side of the model.

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: September 09, 2023, 06:08:32 am »
Steve, can we get width/height/line-length in ortho (toggleable with the current "As seen/projected" measurement)


General Anim8or Forum / Re: How to view object dimensions?
« on: September 09, 2023, 05:51:26 am »
Ohhh, I like that ortho measurement selden!

Steve, can we get that too (toggleable with the current "As seen/projected" measurement)
(copied to dev)


General Anim8or Forum / Re: My rabbits for a low poly game Im doing
« on: May 31, 2021, 06:07:37 pm »
lol, "lo-poly" yet made with really smooth spheres, that's a contradiction.
As others have said and I will add, if you're going to use spheres, then you might as well add more detail to them.

They could also use some textures (which would help with the "lo-poly" side of things.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: UV Mapping, Lithunwrap and Blender
« on: May 29, 2021, 05:10:18 am »
specific to lithunwrap and an8 its even simpler.

Make model in an8
export as obj
open obj in lithunwrap
open bmp texture in lithunwrap (must be bmp)
do uv's (select best as stated above and tweek by dragging the points round your texture)
export obj
import obj in an8 and you will now see the uv's applied to model.
re-split model and delete original (Note, if you need to have a model split that comprises of multiple parts you can use Obj2An8 to save as .an8. there are also many features including snapping uv's to a grid or shading the model. using this method you want to import .an8 and again delete original)


I know an8 doesn't support vertex colours, that's why Im asking if it can be added. 8)

there are 2 variants of coloured obj files.
the most recent being that which I posted above, a normal obj but with 7 parameters for v (X Y Z R G B A) where RGBA are normalised 0-1. (presumably to allow HDR?)

the original method looks like this and is a little more complex (since it also has animation joints)
Code: [Select]
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1
#vcolor 254.000000 254.000000 254.000000 255.000000
v 1050.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 2
v 1050.500000 2100.016602 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 3
f 1/1 2/2 3/3
#fvcolorindex 1 1 1
so this format is using comments to allow more data interchange than the standard obj format.

#joint 0 refers to a previously set jointposition
Code: [Select]
#joint 0
#jointposition 962.500000 2015.016724 -36.117146
g Room02_primary
usemtl m0
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1...

#vjoint is the vertex index and is the same as "weighted bones" except that each vertex is assigned wholly to a bone (using #joint n directly before)

#vcolor is the colour of the vertex with RGBA in 0-255 format (float could allow HDR maybe?)

#fvcolorindex is the same order as f but assigns the colour index (vcolor)

v x y z
#joint n
#vjoint i
#vcolor r g b a

f 1 2 3
#fvcolorindex 1 2 3

However, I think that talking about file formats is a little superfluous at the moment since an8 doesn't yet support it.

My suggestion would be that if vertex colouring was found, they take precedence over material colour (diffuse) other material colours could still apply on a per-face basis.

Making an object could initially upon selecting the brush tool copy all currently assigned material colours to vertices.

As I say, the brush tool in figure editor would work well for vertex painting.

Backwards compatibility in older an8 would be hopefully to ignore any colours, however if this broke older an8 then a seperate colour file might work?

I again hope this can be done at some point :)

Hi Steve, been a while since its been asked but is, and if not can it be added, vertex colouring on your todo list?
You already have painting in the figure editor and it would be great if this could be ported to object editor.

I was sent a modified obj and luckily an8 still reads it which would imply that rgba could be read from it in the future since instead of just reading 3 entries ver pertex, you read 7 (I had thought that the modified obj format originally had the rgba in a comment, but its not)
v 1082.512451171875000 689.930297851562500 5735.037109375000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000 1.000000000000000

many thanks and keep well,

Suggestion for next build - allow debug window to be closed without closing an8 (if a script requests the window to open allow it, and again, if user closes window dont close an8 too)


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Decal questiion
« on: January 15, 2021, 06:31:03 am »
I might also clarify that what steve posted was texture blending within a single material (i.e. you  cannot define seperate uv co-ords)
Given your example this would have been sufficient (a face on top of a solid colour) however if you want to apply an actual decal onto an already textured surface (say a cross on the side of an ambulance) then you need to use geometry decals (which you seem to have already demonstrated in your second pic)

This image back in 2009 I made by moving the decals off the hull by 1 unit.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: Decal questiion
« on: January 12, 2021, 05:10:33 pm »
An8 cannot do decals.
it does have a very good z-buffer and so making a separate decal object say 1 unit off the surface will work in "most" cases.

It would be good to allow co-planner faces to be defined as "decal" though (forcing on-top draw order)


oh, nice, I actually like the one on the left (youl probably tell me there both the same :P) :)


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: ASL issues
« on: June 24, 2020, 08:29:07 pm »
YAY, I managed to implement my own recursion in an8 script :)

this is the specific function;
Code: [Select]
int $ParseChildren(shape $Shape)
// Set up Stacks instead of normal vars
int   $si[0];
shape $sShape[0];
int   $Result, $i, $j;
shape $CurShape, $ChildShapes[0];

//Push Shape to stack
//Push Stacked Counter

$Result = true;

//While shapes are on stack and result is still true (No Fail)
while ($sShape.size && $Result)
//Get current shape
$CurShape = $sShape.pop;

if ($CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_GROUP)
//Recursion would happen here
// $ParseChildren($CurShape)
//… however ...

//Get Children
$DebugPrint("getting Children " + $;

$i = $si.pop; //get last i off stack
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));

if ($i < $ChildShapes.size)
$DebugPrint("Parsing Children " + $;
//Has Children, traverse tree
$sShape.push($CurShape); //Push current Node to stack
$sShape.push($ChildShapes[$i]); //push next Node to stack
$DebugPrint("pushing child  " + $ChildShapes[$i].name);

if(!($StringContains($ChildShapes[$i].name, "BSP")))
for ($j = 1; $j < $sShape.size; $j++)
$PrintTree[$PrintTree.size - 1] = "\t|" + $PrintTree[$PrintTree.size - 1];

$si.push($i); //Push(save) current nodes counter to counter stack
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));
if ($ChildShapes[$i-1].GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_GROUP)
$si.push(0); //Stack new counter
$DebugPrint(PrintToString("accidental infinit group? getting i %d, stacksize %d ", $i, $si.size));
$DebugPrint("end of branch");
//reached end of branch
$C_File.print("* Group: \n");
$C_File.print("*        Name      = %s\n", $;
$C_File.print("*        Objects   = %d\n", $ChildShapes.size);

$C_File.print("static Gfx %s_dl[] = {\n", $;
for ($i = 0; $i < $ChildShapes.size; $i++)
if ($StringContains($ChildShapes[$i].name, "BSP"))
$C_File.print("    gsSPDisplayList(&%s_dl),\n", $ChildShapes[$i].name);

$C_File.print("    gsSPEndDisplayList(),\n};\n\n");

else if ($CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_PATH ||
$CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_MODIFIER ||
$CurShape.GetKind() == SHAPE_KIND_TEXT)
/* No 3D mesh to output. */
//Print mesh
if ($StringContains($, "BSP"))
//Do Nothing
$Result = $GenerateArray($CurShape);
//$PrintTree.push( PrintToString("%s", $;

return $Result;

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: ASL issues
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:51:02 pm »
ok no probs


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: ASL issues
« on: June 18, 2020, 03:13:23 pm »
Steve, would you be able to say if asl function recursion is possible and if so how long it might take to implement?
Just wondering because I would like to parse groups as groups and might have to make a workaround but obviously recursion would be great and an instant fix for my loop.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: ASL issues
« on: June 09, 2020, 05:48:30 pm »
I fixed and added some more "basic" functions above but would still prefer to se language support for them instead including ToUpper, Split, Join, casting (Int/Float), case insensitive attributes and quaternionToPYR


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