I know an8 doesn't support vertex colours, that's why Im asking if it can be added.

there are 2 variants of coloured obj files.
the most recent being that which I posted above, a normal obj but with 7 parameters for v (X Y Z R G B A) where RGBA are normalised 0-1. (presumably to allow HDR?)
the original method looks like this and is a little more complex (since it also has animation joints)
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1
#vcolor 254.000000 254.000000 254.000000 255.000000
v 1050.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 2
v 1050.500000 2100.016602 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 3
f 1/1 2/2 3/3
#fvcolorindex 1 1 1
so this format is using comments to allow more data interchange than the standard obj format.
#joint 0 refers to a previously set jointposition
#joint 0
#jointposition 962.500000 2015.016724 -36.117146
g Room02_primary
usemtl m0
vt 0.199219 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.151367 0.0
vt 0.818359 0.873047 0.0
v 875.500000 1808.016724 -0.117146
#joint 0
#vjoint 1...
#vjoint is the vertex index and is the same as "weighted bones" except that each vertex is assigned wholly to a bone (using #joint n directly before)
#vcolor is the colour of the vertex with RGBA in 0-255 format (float could allow HDR maybe?)
#fvcolorindex is the same order as f but assigns the colour index (vcolor)
v x y z
#joint n
#vjoint i
#vcolor r g b a
f 1 2 3
#fvcolorindex 1 2 3
However, I think that talking about file formats is a little superfluous at the moment since an8 doesn't yet support it.
My suggestion would be that if vertex colouring was found, they take precedence over material colour (diffuse) other material colours could still apply on a per-face basis.
Making an object could initially upon selecting the brush tool copy all currently assigned material colours to vertices.
As I say, the brush tool in figure editor would work well for vertex painting.
Backwards compatibility in older an8 would be hopefully to ignore any colours, however if this broke older an8 then a seperate colour file might work?
I again hope this can be done at some point