Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: September 24, 2014, 01:35:11 pm »
The Boolean Scripts developed on this forum are pretty good.
Theres a few limitations I wish they didnt have, like, not being able to cut a hole in a floor because a level mesh is considered an open body...
On basic elements like 2 cylinders converted imediatly to mesh and then Operated on it works great.
On complex mesh's they start to falter and complain of convex faces etc.
I commented in the development thread but it seems to have been burried so Ill re-comment here.
I Like the ideas produced on the previous page except for the cluttered comment.
The ideas of surface/tri area and object volume are excelent.
I still suggest having every line draw its legnth and angle to previose point when using the line tool (Object Mode) or on selection of a 'line' in Vertex Edit Mode.
I dont think that this could be considered 'cluttered'
I just quickly painted a mock-up (lacking rotated text and drop shadows etc) of both examples.
Theres a few limitations I wish they didnt have, like, not being able to cut a hole in a floor because a level mesh is considered an open body...
On basic elements like 2 cylinders converted imediatly to mesh and then Operated on it works great.
On complex mesh's they start to falter and complain of convex faces etc.
I commented in the development thread but it seems to have been burried so Ill re-comment here.
I Like the ideas produced on the previous page except for the cluttered comment.
The ideas of surface/tri area and object volume are excelent.
I still suggest having every line draw its legnth and angle to previose point when using the line tool (Object Mode) or on selection of a 'line' in Vertex Edit Mode.
I dont think that this could be considered 'cluttered'
I just quickly painted a mock-up (lacking rotated text and drop shadows etc) of both examples.