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Messages - Trevor

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I just thought id re-read the last post to make sure I didn't mis-read it myself.

"Smirkyguy: I think I finally figured out how to make maximized windows work correctly.  It'll be in the next build.

XP: Anim8or(1139) crashes on start-up with Reg:WindowMaximized=1.
(Vista: No crash, but no maximized window on start-up either.)"

Ok, So, I read this as being that lStyle |= WS_MAXIMIZE; is not working in 9x,Xp,Vista.

The thing is that I recognise that API from somewhere...

Ok, So, that API does exist in 9x despite what MS say at MSDN.
It also works the same for all OS's that use it (Apparently)

I did find that some people were having difficulty in using it but it seemed none crashed like an8 does. They simply ignored the WS_MAXIMIZED API because it wasn't called right.

Im off out so will quickly look later.


After a quick read I think something like this is whats expected. Im not sure what language your in or your implementation of it, but from what I read, a lot of people seem to have bother with it.

If RegKeyMax = true
HWND WINAPI CreateWindow(
  _In_opt_  LPCTSTR lpClassName,
  _In_opt_  LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
  _In_      int RegKeyX,
  _In_      int RegKeyY,
  _In_      int RegKeyWidth,
  _In_      int RegKeyHeight,
  _In_opt_  HWND hWndParent,
  _In_opt_  HMENU hMenu,
  _In_opt_  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  _In_opt_  LPVOID lpParam


HWND WINAPI CreateWindow(
  _In_opt_  LPCTSTR lpClassName,
  _In_opt_  LPCTSTR lpWindowName,
  _In_      int RegKeyX,
  _In_      int RegKeyY,
  _In_      int RegKeyWidth,
  _In_      int RegKeyHeight,
  _In_opt_  HWND hWndParent,
  _In_opt_  HMENU hMenu,
  _In_opt_  HINSTANCE hInstance,
  _In_opt_  LPVOID lpParam

I Should correct myself, WS_MAXIMIZE is not an API but an ENUM. It still exists in all Windows OS's though (3x -> 8)

Yeah, Im pretty used to it now anyway.

I did however just try a traceinit and it reveals the same info as WinXP that MvGulik posted
begin: InitInstance()
       creating main window.

I therefor assume the crash is the same as mine except that I provided the Invalid page fault text.

As for why its an invalid page fault is a mystery? and why it doesnt work in Vista?
Maybe vista is able to bypass the IPF and so skips the reg setting...???

What we could do is just continue for now and I will test each solution and fix my own reg.
If we reach a point where it is fixed for XP but 9x still fails, then we can add an exception for 9x.
I have a feeling though that we could fix both with the same solution.

As I say though, Im pretty used to the way an8 starts.


I can confirm that Window Maximised Crashes with:

ANIM8OR_1139 caused an invalid page fault in
module ANIM8OR_1139.EXE at 0177:004088a6.

the only way to fix it is to go into the registry and set WindowMaximized to 0


I just took this for a spin and I LOVE it.
Its easy to use
Plain to see whats happening (highlights)
Allows multiple modifications/selections
quick de-selection and quick re-selection, just so easy.
Very quick face filling without ever having to change tool.

Yeah, just great.


I'll test this tomorrow but from what I read I think it sounds perfect.


Oh, nice. :)

Ok, just did a quick test and the bug I thought might come true has in fact surfaced. (posted in,5029.msg36956.html#msg36956 )
Cannot modify selection of P/E/F's

So, using box selection I selected a bunch of points.
I want to move them but clicking empty space and moving de-selected them...
I tried again but this time clicking a point, however it de-selected my selection and only moved 1 point...

This is quite a big bug now, at least in my opinion.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Big Changes to Point Edit Tools
« on: November 30, 2014, 09:44:53 am »
I think I am in agreement with most of the suggestions.

"1) On Mouse Down: Do nothing. The current P/E/F if there is one should already be highlighted.
2A) On Mouse Move: Remove the highlighting. If the highlighted P/E/F is unselected, deselect the rest of the object and select just that part. The continue begin editing the mesh. What happens if you click in empty space? Deselect everything? Or edit using the existing selection(s)?
2B) On Mouse Up: If the mouse hasn't moved, Clear-and-Select, Deselect-One or Add-Select, depending on the button."

I would also question the 2A in relation to current standard.

As it currently stands (unless something changed and I have yet to notice) I can select a P/E/F and then click anywhere else and drag and the selected P/E/F will move.

the rest 1, 2B I agree with, if click on a new P/E/F then others should be de-selected and new one selected (or added to if ctrl-click)

but 2A means that you would have to keep clicking the P/E/F
... actually scrub that.... I think Im ok with it, but I do in fact now have another problem caused by this.
(Unable to modify Selection of P/E/F's)

ok, So, lets say you have n P/E/F's selected and you want to move all of them.

Do you:
just click and drag
Ctrl-Click and drag?

I ask because it seems that to simply click and drag would un-select all other P/E/F's and only move the 1... this is bad.

"and also does a "Headlight" effect, where the only light source is from the camera, thus illuminating the mesh no matter the viewing angle. This is my favorite in other modeling programs, and an extremely helpful aid to modeling."

Can I ask if you mean flat shading?
Set Ambiant to 1.2 and diffuse to 0.001 and click the combine button (=). is this the same effect?
(this flat shading is how I model for GF since the GE engine does not do lighting)
(Also of note, the reason for 0.001 is so that it keeps the texture assigned, if set to 0, the texture is removed)


Loving the new build.
I agree that line thickness should be remembered as I prefere the normal lines (1px)

I like the red highlight whilst in fast selection mode.
It makes it obvious that it will select something rather than alter something, which is one reson I dissabled it before now. Everytime I moved a point it would accidently select another point and move it. With the highlight I now dont make that mistake.

I also like the combinded Point/Line and face tool. Its good that if one desires one can disable a certian selection.
But it certianly does improve fill holes in that instead of having to switch to line mode, select the lines, then fill, then return to point mode.


Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Feature Request Thread
« on: November 24, 2014, 01:26:38 pm »
Plus 1 for uv tool and vertex shading.



UV editor.

Now I know you have the projector, but any chance of having a full uv editor?

Currently I export my model to obj and import in a tool called lithunwrap. This tool is very good but its still an external program which requires export and re import.
If this could be integrated into an8 that would be awesome.

Main features are being able to drag vertices across a texture and have them shown in real-time on model.

One other drawback of lithunwrap is that it only shows 1 repeat of the texture and also no snap to grid.



I can NOT confirm this bug as I followed each step and it did undo correctly.

However... The version I am using is 1127+. I checked for 1129 and it does not exist...???


P.S. I was to mention this before but forgot, Steve, can you re-enable the OGL Version string? Its usefull to quickly determin if im running SW or HW, and 1.2 or 1.5.
Did I ever mention that the 'New OGL' does in fact work much quicker (Ctrl-n / debug menu-NewOGL)

YAY it works :)

Code: [Select]
begin: InitInstance()
       creating main window.
       main window created.
       Anim8or = 0.98a (build 1127 +) 10-Nov-14.
       OS = Windows 98 SE  A  (4.10) build 67766446.
       CPU = x86 Intel Pentium model 2 stepping 7.
       creating final OpenGL context.
       UsingDummyWindow = false.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 1).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 9.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::CreateContext(pixelFormat = 9).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::CreateContext() return value = 0x00010000.
       final OpenGL context created.
       creating child windows.
       child windows created.
call:  MakeCurrent(hdc, glContext).
       MakeCurrent() successful.
call:  theOpenGL->Initialize().
       theOpenGL->Initialize() successful.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ReadExtensions()
       OpenGL vendor: ATI Technologies Inc.
       OpenGL renderer: RADEON 9700 PRO x86/SSE2
       OpenGL version: 1.5.4454 Win9x Release
       GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048.
       OpenGL version = 1.5.
       GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT = 7572380.
WARNING! excessive value for GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT, clamped to 32.
       determining actual maxSamplesPerPixel.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 2).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 60.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 3).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 61.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 4).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 61.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 5).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 62.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 6).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 62.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 7).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 8).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 9).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 10).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 11).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 12).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 13).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 14).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 15).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 16).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 17).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 18).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 19).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 20).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 21).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 22).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 23).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 24).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 25).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 26).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 27).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 28).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 29).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 30).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 31).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 32).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = -1.
       maxSamplesPerPixel = 6.
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ReadExtensions()
call:  MakeCurrent(hdc, NULL).
end:   InitInstance().



haha, aftewr 4 hrs its still loading...
its on 225200 at the moment moving at 20 a second


I found out why an8 > 1103 doesnt load in HW mode.
Code: [Select]
begin: InitInstance()
       creating main window.
       main window created.
       creating final OpenGL context.
       UsingDummyWindow = false.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 1).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 9.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::CreateContext(pixelFormat = 9).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::CreateContext() return value = 0x00010000.
       final OpenGL context created.
       creating child windows.
       child windows created.
call:  MakeCurrent(hdc, glContext).
       MakeCurrent() successful.
call:  theOpenGL->Initialize().
       theOpenGL->Initialize() successful.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ReadExtensions()
       GL_MAX_TEXTURE_SIZE = 2048.
       OpenGL version = 1.5.
       GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT = 7572332.
       determining actual maxSamplesPerPixel (failures OK).
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 2).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 60.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 3).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 61.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 4).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 61.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 5).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 62.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 6).
end:   Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat() return value = 62.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 7).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 8).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 9).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 10).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 11).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 12).
FAIL:  nNumFormats = 0.
begin: Draw3DOpenGL::ChoosePixelFormat(samples = 13).
And so on...
And so on...

So, the GL_MAX_SAMPLES_EXT = 7572332. is clearly wrong and should be 7, not 7572332

Now, I guess to test this theorey I should waut untill it reaches this number ...
in fact I will... ... *waits Patiantly... Has dinner... Still waits*

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Layers
« on: November 01, 2014, 08:13:27 am »
Thats actually a really great idea.
1 button override for render awsome.


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