"You're using class=glossyreflector but haven't specified the other material properties. The value of the attribute Kr is important. (If you didn't add it then Anim8or uses the specular factor Ks in its place). The higher this value is the more energy will be reflected, but it will also mask the basic color of the underlying materisl. Also if you set the roughness very high it will make the surface more mirror-like."Ah yes, thats correct, I only set glossyreflector and used Specular for Reflection intensity (0.99 - almost entirly reflected. at >1 the scene truns black since I assume it reflects all the rays and never back toward the camera)
And yes, Roughness is 10. at 1 there wasnt enough of a bright patch but > 10 causes too much image reflection (polished mirror, which is not what I want, I want 'diffuse Inter-reflection')
Yeah, while the light is far away, with the bright patch overloaded to burnout, this should be anough to reflect more rays.
The patch on the wall is actually looking directly at a sun type light, so its receiving 100% light already anyhow.
"It uses rather extreme lighting, with extreme contrast. Only a tiny percent of light that enters will reach the far corners of the room. Almost all rays are absorbed before they make the multiple bounces off of the room on their way. They dynamic range of light values far exceeds what a normal computer monitor can display."Erm, yes, the only way to test Diffuse Inter-reflection is to look down a corridor with only 1 diffuse light source, i.e. A Primary light source that is bounced off a primary wall to make a secondary (diffuse/reflected) light source.
As for the contrast, theres nothing I can do about that, thats ARTs desision.
Also, as can be seen, the Secondary Light source has a value of 1.0(255), this should be = to adding a local light of 255 at every point (although this is where calculations get dificult) and then bouncing that ray to the next surface. That secondary wall will be lit by 1/(distance^2) power light
"but it will also mask the basic color of the underlying materisl."Yes, if Specular is set to colour only then it doesnt show any texture, I copied the texture to specular and now it shows the texture.
Would this not be nessesary if I re-set specular to 0 and then used Kr?
Ill test it
Ok, tested using Kr.
Kr is better than Specular as it doesnt add an untextured layer over the base (causing all reflections to appear just grey) so no longer a requirement to assign a texture to Specular.
However, Kr is still limited to <1.
I have just done another render and this time Ive used 0.5 and it looks the same as the one posted above (will post once render complete)
It seems that as you increase Kr, the darker the surface becomes. At 0.5, as much light is reflected as is refracted.
My lighting is still at 10 though (equivelant to adding 10 suns (infinit lights))
Also, I dissabled Ambiant Occlusion, hehe, whats the point in having it on when this replaces it more accuriatly
Taking a real scenario of this render (Bright sunlit door and no lights on inside), the Diffuse Inter-reflection is definatly more intense than ART is achiving.
Init=0.54, render=3399.69, rays=63307553
I made a composit of an extremem render to get an aproximitly better result, still not perfect though.