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Messages - Trevor

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General Anim8or Forum / Re: Primitives
« on: July 03, 2015, 05:48:43 am »
hehehe, the only part of the manual I have read is the materials bit when Ambient Occlude was introduced. Oh and a little bit of the ASL part.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: windows 10 free upgrade
« on: June 22, 2015, 05:50:32 am »
Not sure who the last comment is refrencing...

The joint thing happens in 98 too so its an an8 problem not a Win problem.

Win 10 is actually looking really good now. There are a few bugs but less and less as we approach Jul 29.

10 is a definit improvement in GUI over 8. Desktop mode is default again and the start menu can be customised such that its closely resembles a basic 7 menu by removing all tiles. This leaves recently opened aplications on left and then all programs in a scroling menu when clicked.

On Phones, if you plug in a keyboard and mouse it switches to desktop mode which is pretty cool. Kinda wish nokia used intel chips now... would have been cool to use an8 on phone :P

Yeah, I do beleve they skipped 9 due to 9x, but they also said they wanted to use "One" however they wernt alowed since Win "1.0" was taken so they chose 10.

Also, after the 29th they plan to continue the Insider program for Win11 on the 30th.

Anyone have any win32 programs they wish to have tested in 10?


ASL Scripts / Re: BVH File Import into Anim8or
« on: June 18, 2015, 06:55:04 am »
Ah great, I cant wait for Sub to get GoldenEye animations working with An8.


General Anim8or Forum / Re: windows 10 free upgrade
« on: June 15, 2015, 03:31:50 pm »
Ill test an8 right now.

Ok, Test results in and it woirks flawlessly.

I did however discover (Nothing to do with win10) that even though in sequence mode bones by default are "free" and "No Limits", when you type an angle into x,y or z it pops up saying "Entry out of range"


Just a quick request for when you get back. Im sure Ive mentioned it before but Clamp and Mirror flags on textures, can you please enable them.


Love the new grid numbers.

I have a couple of things though...
In CAD mode, what was the use for the black arrow on the left of the screen? it doesnt seem to do anything when placing objects or rotating objects.

Cylinders used to oriantate with mouse drag when creating them. Now they always point upward. Is this supposed to happen?


The bone gives the input values to a matrix along with the object vertexes, however the bone itself is just a 3D co-ord with a fancy model overlay pointing to the next 3D co-ord.

I guess you couyld be right though?


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: April 01, 2015, 09:24:45 am »
Can I also add that the use of Scientific Notation is a little exessive.

eg, 65535 is displayed in an8 as 6.554e+004 which is actually more charactures than the original number.

Scientific Notation should only be used if the number displayed is smaller than the original number. In this case the original number would require more than 10 Chars to be of benifit.

Most elements in an8 complain if e > 6 anyway, so I guess there is really no need for it.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Figure Editor Design Question
« on: March 22, 2015, 08:35:59 pm »
Well, to add my perspective to this I have been creating animations for GoldenEye however AN8 induced one major problem.

GoldenEye uses Euler angles similar to the FBX format.
Problems seem to occur in any conversion.

The only other slight difference was that GE uses Points of Rotation as againts bones, I solved this by using 0 legnth bones at these positions with the same name as POR ID, then I connected the POR ID's by 0 diameter bones.

Attached is a Skeleton I made with the correct positions, however the animation was an export attemt from GE but it failed.

Also Attached is from sub with a custom obj, an FBX file and a failed An8 file (I assume this an8 is the same as mine)

Final Attachmentis a Zip of my working animation folder incase you want to see the skeleton with textures.

As for the default (scarecrow/painting) pose versus the Normal (standing) pose, im not sure which way to go.
I normally make the first frame (0) of all my animations standing and then work from there, e.g. rotate leg 90 at start(0).

Compatability is my main concern just now though.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: March 21, 2015, 07:35:50 am »
Ok, So comeing back to this in 1164 I have a few Queries.

Normal Meshes display the bounding box size but in PLF mode there are no 2P, L or F measurments.
(By 2P I mean to select 2 points and have the distance between them displayed.)
This, must be with arrow select tool and not fast select. That would get confusing.

Path Tools work for the most part.
It shows the current drawing lines mesurement and with DebugA you can show all measurments. Can you move DebugA to an official button either next to or as part of the CAD mode button.

Angle between last line and new line is still required

I just found the point Co-Ords, you click a point in Path tool and it shows Co-Ord, nice.


I have a debug suggestion.

Can you make a debug option to retain the vertex order from an obj import AND maintain that order on export.

Any NEW vertexes should be at the end of the list although for this debug there really shouldnt be any change in the number of vertexes.

This will allow the modification of certian models that rely on vertexes being in a specific Index order.
EG, In-Game Merging of model1 Index 4 and model2 index 2 (connection between arm and torso). You want vertex 4 to still be the same vertex as before alteration so that the arm still connects to the torso and not the belly button :P.


"It makes no sense to make is greater than one "

Quite true, I just thought Id test and mention it.

To have a reflected ray increase in intensity would be silly, but I tested to see if there could be a way to brighten the image, obviously any value after 1 causes the scene to be black.

"There are "high dynamic range" (HDR) techniques that compress this contrast into a more visually (to many people) image but Anim8or doesn't currently support this."

Ah, Prahaps this is what I see in other renderers. I mean, I understand that a monitor is limited to 0-255 and that our vision is way, wayyy higher than that.

I guess this has become the norm for me when rendering Kitchens in Compusoft Winner.

To digress slightly Winner renders scenes similarly to Blender in that its like Old web pages. It first shows 16x16 pixles over the screen and progressivly subdivides these pixles.
Unlike Blender it has a 2 pass method.
It first uses something called a GI estimator before Raytracing.

In the previous post I said Id post a real scenario of the rendered scene.

Here (2015_03_10_23_16_22.jpg) I used the Kitchen light and no other light was on.
I concede that the far end of the hall which is much closer than in the scene is pretty dark, however the biggest difference is in the near field brightness.
The Secondary Light source is on the left wall. This causes the wall on the right to appear quite bright and as such causes a tertiary light source.
This propagates down the hall and the door frames are quite visible.

Most of the light seen is mostly secondary and tertiary with any 4th and 5th being noticable only in shadows and on the backside of the doorframes (hidden from view)

Anyway, Im sure you are very well aware of lighting and the mathematics of it. Im merly pointing out that photographs seem to differ from renders.
It might be that using glossyreflector is not going to work and that another method is required.
I just assumed that glossyreflector should work since its the same technique, bounce rays round.


P.S. the other 2 images use the hallway light.
2015_03_10_23_01_39.jpg again shows secondary ant tertiary light.
2015_03_10_23_04_37.jpg shows 4th light which is almost non existant on camera, even though the human eye can see fine.

I made this with AA set to 1024. It took a few hours, I forgto to record the number of rays.

"You're using class=glossyreflector but haven't specified the other material properties. The value of the attribute Kr is important. (If you didn't add it then Anim8or uses the specular factor Ks in its place). The higher this value is the more energy will be reflected, but it will also mask the basic color of the underlying materisl. Also if you set the roughness very high it will make the surface more mirror-like."

Ah yes, thats correct, I only set glossyreflector and used Specular for Reflection intensity (0.99 - almost entirly reflected. at >1 the scene truns black since I assume it reflects all the rays and never back toward the camera)
And yes, Roughness is 10. at 1 there wasnt enough of a bright patch but > 10 causes too much image reflection (polished mirror, which is not what I want, I want 'diffuse Inter-reflection')

Yeah, while the light is far away, with the bright patch overloaded to burnout, this should be anough to reflect more rays.
The patch on the wall is actually looking directly at a sun type light, so its receiving 100% light already anyhow.

"It uses rather extreme lighting, with extreme contrast. Only a tiny percent of light that enters will reach the far corners of the room. Almost all rays are absorbed before they make the multiple bounces off of the room on their way. They dynamic range of light values far exceeds what a normal computer monitor can display."
Erm, yes, the only way to test Diffuse Inter-reflection is to look down a corridor with only 1 diffuse light source, i.e. A Primary light source that is bounced off a primary wall to make a secondary (diffuse/reflected) light source.
As for the contrast, theres nothing I can do about that, thats ARTs desision.
Also, as can be seen, the Secondary Light source has a value of 1.0(255), this should be = to adding a local light of 255 at every point (although this is where calculations get dificult) and then bouncing that ray to the next surface. That secondary wall will be lit by 1/(distance^2) power light

"but it will also mask the basic color of the underlying materisl."
Yes, if Specular is set to colour only then it doesnt show any texture, I copied the texture to specular and now it shows the texture.
Would this not be nessesary if I re-set specular to 0 and then used Kr?
Ill test it


Ok, tested using Kr. Kr is better than Specular as it doesnt add an untextured layer over the base (causing all reflections to appear just grey) so no longer a requirement to assign a texture to Specular.
However, Kr is still limited to <1.
I have just done another render and this time Ive used 0.5 and it looks the same as the one posted above (will post once render complete)

It seems that as you increase Kr, the darker the surface becomes. At 0.5, as much light is reflected as is refracted.
My lighting is still at 10 though (equivelant to adding 10 suns (infinit lights))

Also, I dissabled Ambiant Occlusion, hehe, whats the point in having it on when this replaces it more accuriatly :P

Taking a real scenario of this render (Bright sunlit door and no lights on inside), the Diffuse Inter-reflection is definatly more intense than ART is achiving.

Init=0.54, render=3399.69, rays=63307553

I made a composit of an extremem render to get an aproximitly better result, still not perfect though.

Just thought Id share an image where I try to simulate True Global Illumination*.

There are a few problems, mainly intensity, but idea seems sound.

  • The floor near the shiny surface receives some reflected light, but as is the main problem, there isnt enough light being reflected.
  • There is a slight hint of reflected light on the duct on the ceiling, again, needs more
  • There should be greater propogation of light down the corridor

So, to acomplish this in the current build of An8 as of 1164:
Set all materials to class(glossyreflector) and set the specular componant to 0.5 with diffuse to 1 and roughness to 10 (initially 1 but saw no light, any higher than 10 causes too much image reflection instead of light reflection)
Copy any diffuse texture to the specular componant (to prevent 'bleaching')

I tried a higher specular but the room turned completly black
I tried a higher diffuse value but it didnt change the intensity of reflected light.

Also note that AmbientOccluder was on, however this far into the corridor only shows the sunlight that penetrated the hangar.

Im sure a true Global Illumination model could be made from this by increasing the intensity of reflected rays.


Tried another one with specular at 0.99 and diffuse at 200

doesnt really help, still overloads the light while not reflecting much.

Ok, I simply added a light to the scene and nothing else.

The resulting renders are as follows in the images.


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