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Messages - Trevor

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Hmm... so... that explains a lot. Thats why games slow down in extended desktop mode.
Apart from Superfast an8, its always fast :) even on a 233Mhz CPU of my laptop I used to use.

Ok, so, whenever I use the 9700 or the x800 in single monitor config with full HW accelleration an8 dies after v1103 (Of which prior and inclusive of 1103 all work flawlessly in both HW and SW modes).

With that in mind and the OGL version is irellevent, what could be the cause of the fail of builds 1108-1122?

I mean, I only jumped on OGL because of the version difference.

I Suppose, the other difference is all the ARB Extensions in HW mode.

"(I didn't even know that Win98 was still legal!!!   )"
hahaha, I have a lot of legacy stuff and while I can tripple boot into 7 and 8 as well, An8 refuses to load in those OS's (Any version of an8) hence I always use 98 for modeling and server. Basicly, I loaded 8 for testing purposes before giving tech support on it, and I loaded 7 for the same reason.
One little caviat to these 2 OS's is internet TV which now no longer works in IE6 and flash 11 on 98.

As for CAD stuff, amazing, Im really enjoying the features.

The default layer and copying from layer to same layer is great.
Didnt you say there was some sort of click combo to set default in the toolbar? So far I cant find it and I have to use the Options>Layers dialoge.

I love DebugA Mode.

My Next suggestion to basicly call the DebugA mode complete is to add angles like in a picture I posted in the CAD thread.
90' angles could be skipped or have the little square Right Angle symbol.
In addition to the numbers you could embrace them within a coloured ark (say red, so its different to the legnths) and if the ark is too big for the line on screen then the text is removed untill you zoom in sufficiantly to allow the text to show within the ark.

I havnt tested all this PNG stuff as I have no use for it.


P.S. I have just throught of another suggestion.
Can we set a default preferance for Texture mode so that I can have all new mtls 'Darken' instead of decal.
Darken is the default OGL and N64 way of using textures with diffuse colours.
I notice however others including yourself will want to keep using Decal. Im not sure why. Before I got into modeling I used the default but now I always use darken because it allows you to colour textures or shade them darker or bright depending on where they are.

EG, I can have 1 dry mud texture and darken it to 128 and it will now look like wet mud.

Oh My... I just got 1121 to open.

I was messing around with a different video card that allows dual screen in 98 (the 9700 Pro) as the x800 while works on primary screen doesnt support the secondary unfortunatly.

When using single monitor the 9700 has all the same drivers and OGL stuff that the x800 has, just a little slower.
So, when I ran 1121 it still didnt start.


When running the 9700 in a dual monitor configuration, an8 says its using OGL1.1 instead of 1.5.
Just out of curuiosity I tried 1121 and voala... IT WORKS :)

So, OGL 1.5 is broken in 1121

Now to test these CAD amd layer features Ive been dying to try :)


"you should use a material transparency of 1 because that uses 100% of the transparency from the texture"

This is fine so long as you model with Seperate colour/alpha textures.

If you model with single textures (to maintain constraints for old HW such as the N64) then the use of material alpha with a 1bit alphamap is definatly required.

E.g. One texture mode for the N64 is 4Bit Greyscale (I/A) where the 4Bit grey colour is copied to the alpha chanell.
So, for text, I would use a 4Bit IA type, if I have the texture as opaque then it is simply shows a black box with white text on it.
If I set it to transparent then it should work with the texture copied to the transparency map.
if I wanted the text to be further transparent I would set the mtl alpha to .5

This method does not work as shown above, the only way to simulate it is to set the mtl alpha to 0 and then set the transmap to 50.

The good news is that anything requiring 1bit alpha (selected in texture mode - Darken, Alpha Mode Final) works fine with mtl alpha.


P.S. Oh New Build, testing...

doh... looks like im stuck with 1103

This issue can be solved by setting the transparency to 0 and then setting the transmap to 50 (or whatever percentage you want)
You will only see the bounding box in the OGL workspace but it will render correctly.
If you need to export the model then apply the same percentage to the transparency value (e.g. 0.5) and export for compatability with other modelers/games


"How to Report Bugs Effectively"

I assume that was directed at me.

I do have my OS next to my name and have already posted a screen of the OGL stuff recently before so I didnt think it nessesary to post it all again.

However, it it a good point as something could have easilly changed and more than likely Steve may have forgot, so here it is.

OS WIN98se + KernelEx4.5.2 (Versions above 0.95 dont run without KEX)
OGL 1.5.4454 ATI RADEON x800/SSE2 + a huge list of extensions e.g. GL_ARB_shadow

With a dual boot to Win7 an8 fails to run with any version in any compatability mode, but this I think is a seperate issue.

I have no problems with 1103 at all, so something has definatly changed other than the requested CAD stuff.


hmm... 1115 doesnt load either. it exists in task manager and the autosave complains if a session is open, but not wndow or taskbar button shows.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: General UI and Workflow Suggestions
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:38:20 am »
If anyone wants my opinion on views in an8 I think they are fine as is. I like the little green circle, it took me a long time to find it usefull but now I can't live without it.

Prahaps Z movement could be made a little more sensative instead of having to go top to bottom of the screen a gazillion times to move in or out a small amount in high or even normal magnification.

Everyone is talking about the focal point, its the little green axis.
I suppose you could have like in scene mode where the camera can follow a tagged object, so instead of having to move, turn, move, turn you could snap to object and then just move.
hmm... that actually sounds good.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: October 07, 2014, 06:30:46 am »
oh wow... I wish I could test this, it looks awsome.

Yeah, 3D co-ords that are Backfaces and in a complex model can overload the screen.

I really think my idea was purly a drawing aid rather than an everything aid. That said, did I not read that it only showed on selected lines which is awsome.

[edit] I think I just read those lines are showing as debugA, I guess i really need to test myself before passing comment[/edit]

Am I right in saying the boundry measurements override the line legnths? If so then I probably wont be using the boundry tool.
While levels in GoldenEye are limited to 65,534cm (+/-32,767 (15Bit)) I just use a large cube and make sure my mesh does not excede it.

I do like the vert co-ords, they look good and could also show me out of bounds

hmm.... a little... well... big problem here.

An8 1112 and 1113 wont open. I have to use task manager to close it.
If I click it again before closing it still registeres the autosave is in use by another an8 session.

An8 1103 works fine and still opens


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: October 06, 2014, 07:00:18 pm »
Oh WOW, Downloading new an8 now.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: October 01, 2014, 08:38:10 am »
hmm... if text if raster then for do you do the modeling commands to it like fill and extrude, or even lathe if you want :P.

This is why I assumed it was a curved path, because it uses the same tools.


As for Seperate CAD button, it is already. the rullers dont show up unless you enable CAD mode.

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:25:23 pm »
If you look at my image above, the left window uses the 'Line' Tool (Pressed) the button next to it (little squiggle) is 'Smooth Line'

Actually... I just found the tooltip button again and they are called
Straight Path and Curved Path.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Layers
« on: September 29, 2014, 01:19:39 pm »
I completly agree with steve on Seperate Enables objects as described and exampled.
This makes perfect sence and is what I think we are all asking for.

layer1 invisible in object1 then any refrence to object1 will also hide object1.layer1
object2 would be entirly visible.
if you assigned an object to a layer then as the tree goes only 1 way, there would be no effect in object mode.

Unlike Global, where any refrance to Layer1 would be hidden... this is bad.


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Layers
« on: September 27, 2014, 05:55:38 pm »
Ah, that's a good idea, have a button to override group members to new single layer. Default is to have members retain original layers.
I'll actually need to play with this as I could be talking crap hehehe


Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Initial CAD-style feature
« on: September 25, 2014, 07:15:17 pm »
Yes, so when Steve applies rotation and drop shadows to text it will look sooo much better.

I was trying to think of an architecturial subject item that would be more complex but forgot that text is considered a 'line' and so that would be thousands of little straight lines.

If im not mistaken though, text uses 'Smooth Line' which I deliberatly left out of the CAD Measuring system for this reason.

As soon as this is implemented though I can start modeling rooms and buildings with confidence by Y-Extrusion.


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