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Topics - davdud101

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General Anim8or Forum / NOT RESPONDING????
« on: August 24, 2012, 02:05:56 pm »
Sup, folks. Right now, I'm designing the animated logo for a company or which I am a part, and I'm using An8 to do it. I have an animated character walking, but here's the problem-
I Can't actually play the scene, because I get a 'Not Responding' error once it begins. The animation is shown still playing perfectly in the background, worst of all, so I can tell it's still working.

I'm on Win7 x86, running An8 in Comp mode WinXP SP2.

General Anim8or Forum / Edge Properties??
« on: August 16, 2012, 01:26:36 pm »
Hey, everyone. I just got around to noticing, or rather, caring, about the Edge Properties dialog for the first time. I was looking at the smooth, creased, and rounded options... And
I don't get how rounded works! Does the mesh have to be sudivided before I can set the roundness? Could someone please help?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / gas mask wip
« on: July 17, 2012, 12:17:27 pm »
Hey, everyone. Right now, I'm working on designing this gas mask as a movie prop. I used half a soda can and a bottle cap to make the respirator on the mask, and the main body of it is a paper surgical mask that I'm hardening.

But I'm stuck on a color theme... (photos are below) Should I paint the bottle cap silver and the can black, or vice-versa? (btw, the mask itself WILL be black)

General Anim8or Forum / Looking for a Modeller!
« on: July 04, 2012, 12:47:51 pm »
Hey, everyone!

Right now, I have a friend who is under development of a 3D game for his company. He requested that I take the job as Lead 3d Modeller, but I respectfully declined, as I'm not so skilled at it. I'm looking for someone fitting these guidelines;

1) Is creative, dedicated, motivated
2) Is good at modelling based off of a pre-determined vision (concept art, sprites, etc,)
3) Is willing to work for free (until further notice)

If anyone is able to step forward and claim the job, please email me at davdud 101 @ rocketmail . com  (no spaces. did it just to avoid getting spammed.)

General Anim8or Forum / Anim8or IRL??
« on: June 26, 2012, 02:47:50 pm »
Heyhey, friends. Last night I watched a documentary on Industrial Light and Magic (ILM) and the major visual effects and animation work they do on many big films. (for those of you who wanna know more, look them up.)
So I've always been interested in combing live-action with computer animation. That's where the community comes in!
A free 3d camera-tracking software is out there called VooDoo. While my personal experiences with it have generally been a little disastrous, lots of other people have combined live footage and 3d with it and got quite pleasing results. I read a short thread elsewhere online about voodoo being a good tool in the toolkit- Steve himself commented on it.

So to sum up this thread, I want to find a way to transport these tracked 3d camera movements into anim8or and use them as the camera.
Any ideas? Scripts? Tools? Thanks ;)

ASL Scripts / Script Request!
« on: June 20, 2012, 03:16:13 pm »
Hey, everyone! A friend of mine and myself are working on a live-action and animation-crossed short film. We're using Anim8or to do it, but we're planning on having tons (parhaps hundreds) of a single of object in a scene at one time. We pretty much need them to do these two things (seperately)

1) Move up and down independently on the y-axis
2) All flow towards one point (object, target, etc.)

I know, it sounds quite overwhelming of a task, but we definetly won't be able to hand-animate every single on of the little guys.
Anyone willing to take up the offer, gain some scripting experience, and get a screen credit?

Yo, everyone. Right now, I'm in the works of building a tripod-mounted teleprompter for my ipod touch based off of this design:

You don't have to watch the video, but the gist (jist?) of this post is that Anim8or is fully capable of being used to make size-accurate depictions of stuff. YOu probably already knew that, what with the 'Grid' options and all, and I was able to set mine so that each square (technically...) equaled an inch, and I could pretty much get everything fairly accurate as far as measurements go. Check it out, tell me what you think so far! (I know it's not much to see in this render, but do comment if you can!)

General Anim8or Forum / Shadows AIN'T RENDERING!!!
« on: May 17, 2012, 04:24:44 pm »
Hi, everyone. I recently picked up an old short film project of mine. It's half-love action, half-animated, and so I'd naturally want the mixed scenes to feel 'right' together. I generally do this with 4, or in sparing cases, 3 passes: basic, alpha, ambient occl., and shadows.

However, most recently, shadows have not been rendering. No matter what I do- whether it's toggling objects' 'casts' and 'recieves' parameters, using different types of lights and shadow modes, even using different renderers, I have been able to produce the furthest thing from a shadow.

What I have is an entirely green object sitting directly on top of a green plane. The object should cast the shadow on the plane... I've tried nearly everything, short of switching to a different geometric renderer thingy (box, pyramid, etc...)

I neeeeeeeed help, does anyone know why this is happening?

General Anim8or Forum / How do I make an HDRI?
« on: May 14, 2012, 07:49:07 pm »
 Yo, everyone. I'm participating in the latest Anim8or Challenge on these forums. for purposes of not wanting to do a ton of ART rendering, I've decided to take the easy road and use a simple Environment map (not even cubic, a simple single-image hdri photo).
So I'm wondering... Once I make my complete environment, I'm going to want to turn it into an HDRI photo. how would/could I do this? WOuld I set up 4-8 cameras in a circle, then make one large, stiched-together photo? Or what?

General Anim8or Forum / Real ENDLESS looping...
« on: May 09, 2012, 05:44:45 pm »
Hey, everyone. A lot of times, I wanna loop a sequence (with the 'loop sequence', obviously). But once it begins, it usually gets stuck in an unstoppable loop in which an error occurs, forcing me to shut the program down. Is there any way to avoid this? I'd hate to have to lose sensitive data.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / 'Grubbing Up' a texture?
« on: May 04, 2012, 04:25:10 pm »
--Pictoral explanation below.--
Hey, everyone. I'm wondering if there is something I can do to, as I'd say, 'grub up' a texture, and make it look dirty... Without having to do a ton of texture mapping. I'm essentially trying to apply a transmap-ish texture on top of a standard, single-color texture. I do know about... transmaps and stuff, but I wanna get it done without having to mess around with having multiple objects that are essentially the same.
Ya feel me?
If there's no way to do it, I guess texturing is the only way out.

General Anim8or Forum / HOow do I make randon spinning?
« on: April 09, 2012, 03:30:26 pm »
Wazzap, my friends. Hope you all had a great Easter, first off.
So I have this 3d bullet shell I made in Anim8or, and I'm wondering, is there some kinda... script, or math I can use to just pretty much let this thing roll, pitch, and yaw freely and at random?
(Just nod too random, you know with some order)
Hopefully you get my drift.... If not, here's a demonstration of what I'm trying to achieve (this one used for lack of a better find);

That, except more of an extreme spin, kinda just flipping around for perhaps 30 seconds. Any ideas?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Robobasher
« on: April 05, 2012, 04:49:56 pm »
Aight, so I was looking through some old threads about the forum, and found one I really liked... And so, it inspired me to make this;

Tell me how it looks for... 30m of work so far! (Btw, this may become my challenge entry if I get afar on it... ;) )

Wireframe coming soon!

General Anim8or Forum / Anim8or WifiPad
« on: March 06, 2012, 11:11:23 am »
What's up, everyone. I'm using this cool little iPhone app called 'WifiPad' (free! on app store).
It allows you to use your iDevice as a mousepad, trackpad, keyboard, gamepad, and much more, depending on how people make thier gamepads, which brings me to my next point: You can load custom pads and download them for free from the site.
Now, I'm working on a wifipad that's for use with Anim8or, and I'm wondering what features you guys would like to see in it if you were to use it. Remember, I have full control over what keyboard buttons, mouse, anything you want, multiple-keys-at-once included. Just ask in this thread, and I'll get started right away!

General Anim8or Forum / How does one...
« on: February 22, 2012, 10:25:10 am »
WHat's up, folks. At the moment, I'm working on modeling for an upcoming racing game. I'm wondering, is there some quick-and-dirty way to get some fast ART renders out, or do I have no choice but to wait? I'm using a lot of reflections, so maybe I could switch to a environment map, but I don't know how or where to get one. Could someone help me out?

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