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Messages - MvGulik

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 8
#098-xxx - ?:NamedComRec Material binding bug.
Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1140

[-] Figure(mode),Material flip,Render-Image.

A little leftover part in relation to a issue that was fixed in(or before) build 1061.

Initial issue: After editing, or creating, a material in figure mode. Any used Object-materials on the objects in the figure would switch to using the same-named Figure-materials (or flip to default material). (for Figure and Sequence Workspace, which was fixed.)

The leftover part in this case is "Render image"* in Figure and Sequence mode.
*) Only for "Art Ray Tracer" render. The other two render modes (Scanline & OpenGL) are not affected by this.

- Version/Built: (1061) .. 1139.
- OS: XP & Vista

- ObjectMode: Create mesh, create material01(Red), apply material to mesh.
- FigureMode: Add bone01, create material01(not Red), Add Object to bone01.
- (save/load)(ART test image render)
- Open Figure material01 and close with OK.
* ART Rendered image is rendered with Figure-material01 instead of Object-material01. (Figure and Sequence mode only)

*build update*
*fixed update*

Just tagging a long outstanding, and a bit tricky, issue as fixed.

Related (old) post(s):
- Bug: lost assigned materials

- Group elements lost there main-material after: Scale(both types), undo, cut|copy, paste.
- Fixed: As of Build 1118.

Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1137
Just in case.

(Copy|)Cut + Paste on Groups seemed to have picked up a new issue in build 1127(+1129).

- On a Group with only one included Mesh item (Create Mesh a bit off-center from origin.), it seems to also paste back the included Mesh as separate item. (Anim8or is now in a crash prone state)

- On a Group with more than one(2) included Mesh items, Anim8or seems to lockup after the paste.

OS: XP & Vista.

*fixed update*

Yea, your right. Path layer setting is saved.

? ... I probably got tricked by a saved Path on layer zero. And never recovered from that one.

Steve replied "Thanks!"

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / [fixed] list-select,group,scaling.
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:28:39 pm »
#098-049 - List-selecting a group, then scaling, loses the scale factor.
Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1140

[-] list-select,group,scaling.

version/build: (0.8.5) .. 1138
OS: XP & Vista.

- Object mode:
- Create mesh item + Make group.
- Deselect.
- Open "Item list" window + select group item + ok.
- Scale group item. (any of both scale types)
* No scaling seems to be applied to the group/mesh. (ignoring+after scaling preview)

(Just dumping any, to me, potential unintentional stuff.)

*fixed update*

#098-xxx - crash for Undo of EditNamedCom.
Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1140

[-] Figure(mode),Named Com Editor,frame/undo,Crash.

Version/Build: (0.9.0) .. 1138
OS: XP & Vista.

- Object mode: Create some mesh.
- Figure mode: Add bone01 + Add Object to bone01.
- (save/load)
- Open "Named Com Editor" for object linked to bone.
- 1) Cancel & view:frame[f]. *crash*
- 2) Ok & Undo. *crash*

*fixed update*

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Feature Request Thread
« on: November 22, 2014, 03:47:16 pm »
Implementation of rotation around pivot.
(or removal/disable of pivot-rotation in rotation preview if not planned yet for the near future.)

Might as well add this note: There seems to be some rotation(-preview) issue when rotating a item with a moved pivot while angle snap is active. (bigger angle snap/pivot offset, bigger effect(in relation to direction of pivot offset.)

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Feature Request Thread
« on: November 22, 2014, 08:29:10 am »
Snap feature(s) with Pivot editing.

(depends on "Implementation of rotation around pivot." below)

Fixed: v0.9.8 build 1137

[-] Object(mode),Default Layer,Path & Add_Edge.

Newly created path's ignore user-set default-layer. Same it true for newly created mesh's by means of add-edge in point edit mode.
(Forgot: Layer setting on paths not yet saved to an8 file.)

- Version/Built: (1115) .. 1129.

(Just dumping any, to me, potential unintentional stuff.)

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / [-] Figure(mode),Material-Bar,UI-Update.
« on: November 22, 2014, 06:04:48 am »
[-] Figure(mode),Material-Bar,UI-Update.

The material-bar in figure mode is not updated when switching between different figures.

- As of version(built): (<=)
- OS: XP.

- System Information ...
OpenGL Vendor:   Intel
OpenGL Renderer: Intel 915G
OpenGL Version:  1.4.0 - Build
OS Version:      Windows XP Service Pack 3 (5.1) build 2600

(Just dumping any, to me, potential unintentional stuff.)

*build update*
*Removed build update need*

[-] Figure(Mode),Bone,rotation,Coordinate system.

It seems to me that the middle-mouse rotation of a bone, when using world-cord or object-cord, is using screen-cord rotation. And that right-mouse rotation of a bone, when using world-cord and screen-cord, is using object-cord rotation.

- Version/Built: .. 1129.

(Just dumping any, to me, potential unintentional stuff.)

+(Erm. Think I better skip other "Coordinate system" usages. I keep getting lost.)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Mission: Backup Earth!
« on: November 20, 2014, 07:42:19 pm »
Those that like Silent Running (1972)(imdb) might also like Moon (2009)(imdb)([/youtube]]Trailer).

... Backup of a different kind ...[/i]

All in good time. Version 1.0 will not run away. ;)

Mmm. To me that kinda reads as only the first issue is picked up.
So just in case, there a actually 2 unrelated issues here. Msg 5 being a run down on issue 2. (which can also be triggered by just using a simple Mesh-Object inside the Figure editor.)

(If more data is needed, just let me know.)

@Nick: Its a general issue. So other than that zero framerate, there is noting wrong with your an8 source.

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