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Messages - cooldude234

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The engine is divided up into sections which are designed to enable you to do specific things, or to handle specific things for you (so you don't have to go through my pain right now :P).

These include:

      -loading and saving
      -low latency audio playback (with control over sample rates and buffer sizes)
      -Audio manager (which manages long sections of audio to continuously feed
       the buffer till that audio is finished)

      -models (loading and saving, the latter will be implemented later)
      -specific drawing algorithms
         -generation functions (eg. random point on triangle function)

      -Variable handling (<- realtime creation and destruction, array support will
       come later)
      -Control handling (loops and functions/sub scripts)

   General functions
      -Math stuff
      -other simple functions (such as conversions between variable types like string to int and more!)

The scripts will be able to wrap a bunch of functions in the engine to give support for a wider range of functionality; as well the scripts will be able to wrap a lot of C functions directly so that way the user (the one scripting the engine) can access to a lot of functions post compilation and in realtime (in other words the engine reads the scripts version of that function in realtime and calls the compiled version of said function).

You can get a sense for scripting by comparing it to a car.
When you drive a car you are only physically moving the steering wheel and pedals. You don't directly move the pistons and wheels but yet you still have control over where and how fast the car goes. Scripting is like the steering wheel and pedals, much easier to move and steer your car; but you may not have full control over how efficient your engine runs or the max speed of at which it can be. Programing and compiling code is much like the engine and the rest of the car.

The following images illustrate the architecture (more so in this state -> the basic structure) of each section (excluding rendering because at the moment there isn't too much going on there other than some generic opengl calls and some functions I have made, I will be making an rendering manager thingy at some point).

Yea keeping at it is one of the hardest things to do; just as hard if not harder than actually doing said thing (especially when switching jobs and shifts while managing everything else in life and still having enough time to sleep ;P).

P.S. Most of the work I did on this project for that past half a year has been engine structure, look forward to it in the next post.

Real-time audio now works (even though you can't play an audio clip longer than the buffer as it gets cut off).
Nuff said :P

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Primitives
« on: June 27, 2015, 07:26:08 am »
I would recommend reading the manual.

I don't mean to be rude or anything, but I Lol'd so hard that reply.
I could give that answer to pretty much anything someone could ask me.

Ongoing Anim8or Development / Re: Trackball Rotation for Bones
« on: May 02, 2015, 12:14:13 am »
It's a great start for sure!
Just a few suggestions...
A) why use a second circle for the z rotation (the one relative to the view point) when you could use the one that is touching the other axises
B) it would be nice to lock the rotation in an 8 way direction in 45 degree increments (possibly use the shift key for this while rotating) (would be nice when needing to reset the position of the bone)
C) as said before the bone edit tool now doesn't work properly
D) in scene mode nothing with bones work now?

Anim8or Challenges / Re: Challenge suggestions.
« on: April 22, 2015, 04:25:00 am »
quote author=davdud101 link=topic=2500.msg38059#msg38059 date=1427926384]
How is the latest challenge going? I have no time right now to try ASL. My two suggestions are, however:
1) make a video game scene
2) make a 2d animation in Anim8or!
I admit that i stop working in mine for some time now, because of change in my computer, and the next step will probably take a lot of time...[

Video game scene!!
I'd been in for that!

The sleeves look nicer but I think the rim on the hat should stay thin just because that's how ringed planets appear from far away (eg Saturn). Other than that it looks great.

'codec' is short for 'coder/decoder'; it refers to an algorithm used to compress video data (coder) and then to unpack the data and play it back again (decoder).  it's a generic term covering DV, MPEG (in all its numerous sub-variants), WMV and XVID, and many others.

personally, i use an MPEG-2 variant, partly because it seems to be the preferred format for recent versions of Sony Vegas, and partly because it gives a good colour gamut - as compared to WMV, for example, which seems to have a reduced contrast range and tends to wash out the stronger blacks and whites.

in terms of editing programs, WLMM will do if you just want to recode/compress video clips without doing too much editing on them, but if you plan on doing any significant amount of editing then there's a lot to be said for getting something like Vegas, as it gives you a lot more options.
The only codec one needs is *lightning* RAWWWWWWW!!! *lightning*  8)

so now in the latest build you can only add bones that point to the right side of the screen on the x axis?
Is this right or am I missing something here?
I really preferred it the other way (besides the fast select mode) where I could add a bone and it would extend it in the direction of the bone.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Rig vs morphs
« on: April 19, 2015, 05:51:27 pm »
depends on the how you want it to be set up and what you are doing with it.
I usually have eye's setup with bones and for facial expressions I use morphs on the eyebrows, cheeks, lips etc.


try this codec good compression

the xvid codec is amazing but unfortunately it isn't widely supported with editing software and there are few hardware decoders out there that directly support it.

Though personally I think there is a tendency with Anim8or in particular to produce in 4:3 even though we have 16:9, which for me has always had benefits. I much prefer 16:9.
It's not so much the aspect ratios themselves as they are best suited for their intended monitors and screens (16:9 will look amazing on a 16:9 monitor) but rather when video is transcoded or converted from one resolution format to another. IE taking a 16:9 video and making it 4:3 whilst keeping it's original pixel ratio in tact will create embedded letter boxes which is a waste of image space on that aspect ratio. But having cropped images isn't any better really; the best is having a video at its native ratio (non embedded letterboxes) and just have your video scalar keep it's pixel ratio to 1:1 compared to the monitor.

As for the original post, pick your target resolution and raito to match your project and hardware needs / constraints. IE generally Imax style documentaries will have a higher resolution and wider image than your typical TV show. Most tv shows won't even bother with a wider image because it's not very common for consumers to own wider ratio screens and it's not very practical for consumers most of the time. While if you were to make a movie for the Imax format you would have a wider ratio and a higher resolution because of the Imax standard.

1171 maybe we just want to rotate without messsing up the scale or scale without messing up the rotate accidentally....just a thought not everyone is an expert.its not as if the menu is overcrowded.
I'm pretty sure its either a glitch or Steve missed something.
He says
Click-drag the tip to to change length and rotate, elsewhere on the bone to only rotate.
But if you click anywhere else it just does the same thing as clicking on the end (which scales and rotates).

Since I'm now retired I have a lot more time to dedicate to Anim8or, to read all the comments, etc.
I don't even have enough time to get through all of these comments half the time :P

105 does seem that most 'progressive numbers' are named by height, i.e. 1080p, 480, etc...
long story short, that's because anamorphic formats exist.  i REALLY wish they didn't!

E.g. HDV 1080, which only actually codes 1440x1080 pixels, even though it displays at 1920x1080 with the missing stuff interpolated - doesn't make much sense to me either :P  but the 1080 height stays the same, hence that being the number that was chosen as a shorthand reference for the format.

4k and UDHD resolutions take the width not the height. Who the heck knows why people make these standards this way. When in doubt though just use the non marketing (aka the non-crap) term IE its actual resolution like 3840x2160


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