« on: May 03, 2010, 09:52:36 am »
from my experience. setting the bone limits to (-179 to 179) won't help with the bone going in reverse problem. The limits seem to only stop you from trying to animate the bone from a certain point. not the software. Don't know why. What happens is if you have two sequences running in scene mode the last key from the first sequence and the first key of the second sequence animates on a path.
for example. The last key of the first sequence is at -150. the first key of the second sequence is at 5. If you are going by the limits that you set, the bone should rotate from -150 to -149 all the way to 5. But anim8or will go from -150 to -151 up to -179 then 1 to 5. to stop this, select the bone you are animating in scene mode, not sequence mode. after you put in the first sequence go to the very next frame after your last key frame and then select key all. Then go to the frame that you want to add the second sequence to. don't know why this works but it does.