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Messages - Dreadkb

Pages: 1 ... 3 4 [5] 6 7 8
I found a work around for this, and this time you can have direct control of  the size.

1. use the add edge tool in point select mode, build a quick tetrahedron on that point
2. select the new edges and fill holes
3. select face edges (t)
4. bevel (b)
5. select a point in the tetrahedron, select connected (c), delete
6. fill the hole you just made

like this

I've done a bit of testing and I can't find a mesh this won't work with.

Only crit at the moment is his(?) head is a bit pointy. Other than that great job.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: crabot-WIP
« on: March 21, 2009, 01:58:49 pm »
Small crits on the arsenal. I was a soldier for 8 years and I still work on a military post so I'm a bit picky about this kind of thing.

Your 7.62 cartridge (the single round) is a bit misshapen. Take a look at these:

The ammo can is actually squared of, not tapered. You also have it opening on the hinge side. This is possible if you take the lid off, but can be a bit confusing visually. <-- this one has the actual marking on it for NATO 7.62 30 CAL rounds

I can't clearly see the linkage between the cartridges, but I found you some ref pics just to help out.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: Bug: lost assigned materials
« on: March 21, 2009, 01:33:31 pm »
Happens to me too. I have tried to see if I could make this happen repeatably so I could post the file here to help Steve out, but no luck.

Closest I can come to this technique is:

select the edges connected to the vertex
join edges (j)
select all the faces you just created around the vertex
merge faces (M)

I wonder if using this system, someone could make a script for this?

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Share Your Modelling Tips:
« on: March 21, 2009, 12:47:37 pm »
If you have more than one mesh/subdivision an object but you only need to manipulate one of them, group (g) the ones you don't want to modify. You can't use the point select (P) tools on a grouped object, so the grouped objects are protected this way. I prefer to do this than to hide (h) since I can still see and refer to all of the object.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: File format documentation
« on: March 17, 2009, 01:44:27 pm »
As far as I know, yes, that article is very valid. While I haven't written any scripts, I do use text modification inside my .an8 files quite often. At first glace I can't see anything that seems out of date when it's talking about file specs or syntax.

Anim8or v0.98 Discussion Forum / Re: 3 views bug
« on: February 25, 2009, 11:19:31 pm »
Happens to me in every multi view except 4 way view

General Anim8or Forum / Re: making a face
« on: February 24, 2009, 04:01:40 pm »
It appears the MP3D vids no longer work.  :( So sad.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Grunge Mapping
« on: February 18, 2009, 07:10:10 pm »
A very interesting technique you have there. I'm going to start trying this out as soon as I'm back from vacation.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: NEED ANIMATION HELP
« on: February 18, 2009, 07:07:31 pm » <-- #1 result when you search the forums for "sequence"

More information would help a whole lot.

Please read the manual for Anim8or and search the forums before posting a question as there is a good chance it has already been answered.

Probably, you need to enable each bone to rotate on at least 1 axis if you want it to move. Also, be sure you set some joint limits, or make it limitless, or else it still won't move.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: can some1 help me?
« on: February 18, 2009, 07:00:11 pm »
This tut helped me out a lot when I got started in Anim8or. Thanks again Johnar.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Music for animated movies
« on: February 17, 2009, 10:59:15 pm »
It's called a challenge for a reason. We only learn by pushing ourselves to new heights. Nothing ventured, nothing gained.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Lip syncs
« on: February 17, 2009, 08:11:21 pm »
I think the first one has better lip sync, but the second one has better expressions.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: edgelooping
« on: February 17, 2009, 02:11:52 pm »
I just posted this in another thread yesterday.

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