« on: December 14, 2023, 03:18:33 pm »
It is possible to edit the weights, but not particularly easy.
1) After you've done the initial painted weights, go into the Object Editor and in point edit mode you can double click on a point to see it's number.
2) Save the .an8 project and open it in a text editor such as notepad.
3) Find the figure, and the object you're interested in and look for the "weights" section.
4) Count over to the point that you're interested in and set the weights that you want. The format is: (# of weights for point 0 (bone#1 weight#1) ... (bone#n weight#n)) (#weights point 1...)
weights { "mesh01"
(1 (0 1))(2 (0 0.956) (1 0.044))(2 (2 0.874) (0 0.126))(1 (0 1))
(2 (1 0.986) (0 0.014))(1 (0 1))(3 (2 0.924) (1 0.045) (0 0.031))
(2 (1 0.865) (0 0.135))(1 (0 1))(2 (0 0.835) (2 0.165))
(2 (1 0.856) (0 0.144))(1 (0 1))(3 (2 0.745) (1 0.168) (0 0.087))
(3 (1 0.596) (0 0.300) (2 0.104))(1 (0 1))(1 (0 1))
(2 (1 0.855) (0 0.145))(1 (0 1))(2 (2 0.690) (0 0.310))(1 (0 1))
In this example point 0 has one weight, it's for bone #0 and a weight of 1.
Point 1 has two weights, 0.956 for bone #0 and 0.044 for bone #1.
Like I said, it's not easy!
I've attached this example.