Thanks everybody, I thought Id share to bring the subject back up since it was a while ago since I last mentioned it (must have been around 2014)
PerfectGold aka GoldenEye Setup Editor. PerfectGold is a concatenation of Perfect Dark and GoldenEye Since the editor supports both as PD was built from GE.
The editor now also supports Diddy Kong Racing, Micky's Speedway and Jet Force Gemini, however I don't think any realistic name could be made from that list of games

Trevor: this is a nice collection of images, especially since Anim8or doesn't use Photon Mapping which is much more efficient at rendering diffuse inter-reflections like in your examples.
Ah, is that why you originally said it couldn't be done (My original images of the ship were extremely contrasty)
Ive done a few DIR renders with ART, each time getting better results, these I think are the best which is what prompted me to post them.
For those who want to re-create these are the entire settings
Ambient 0 (0)
Diffuse 20 (128,128,128) (Optional texture set to Darken)
Specular 0.95 (255,255,255) (If used texture copy here too and again set to darken)
Roughness 0 (9999 for mirror)
Attributes class[type string = glossyreflector]
1 infinite light for sun (255, 229, 191) - slightly orange sun to counter the blue sky
1 local light for interior (136, 124, 118) - warm interior light 1/2 as bright as sun
Environment spherical panorama of sky
Global Lighting ambient 0, diffuse 1 (exterior) diffuse 4 (interior)
AA samples min 49
Attached is the original image and composite sample