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Messages - johnar

Pages: [1] 2 3 ... 69
Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / poses
« on: August 01, 2024, 04:34:04 am »
 Hi steve. Been a long time.

 Blowing dust out of my anim8or PC, and looking through some of my old stuff.
 Was reminded of something that i've been meaning to ask about. Poses.
 Presently, to save a 'pose', it's a case of saving a short sequence. (I usually save as a 2 frame sequence, with both frames keyed.)
 Was thinking, considering that poses can be such a usefull thing when animating a character, that it would be cool if you could save a 'pose'. ?
 If there was option like 'save this pose', anim8or could key all the bones and save to a 'pose' folder?
 Or something like that?

 (a pose would be saved with all bones keyed. and there would, naturally, then be another option 'Add Pose') (to character in scene) Maybe even available in sequence mode? (maybe)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Scene light tespting
« on: August 01, 2024, 04:22:13 am »
Hi there olan
 Not actually a comment on lighting, but about chauna on couch. I see he must be rigged, for him to be sitting on the couch.
 Something i have done for a long time now, with any character, is to make a pose, (2 frame sequence, double keyed), of the hands, with fingers slightley curved.
 It makes a huge difference in any image, when the fingers are not so straight.
 Just a thought.
 Otherwise, looking good.   ;)

Congrats on that Nellucnaiv,

 Awesome job. Am sure it's took  a lot of time and effort, with really excellent results.
 Hats off and thumbs up.


 Very, very nice. Great to see. Beautifully done. (Loved the leap). many thumbs up!!!!!

EDIT: The way you animated Drakys eyes is interesting. Looks good!!

That's so funny!!

 Well done dude. 

 No blinking?

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: I Am Proud Of This Rig
« on: June 30, 2023, 05:18:13 am »
I just don't have any ideas
Now that you've got lucas rigged, you could test him out with a wave. Maybe even 'walk' onto the stage, stop in front of camera, and wave. You could even try some lipsync. (morphs).  "hi there, i'm lucas" 
(or just a big smile and blink, to start with)

 (all good things to learn)

 Cool viking, well done.
 Was wondering about the base.  Did u glue on the stoney surface bits, and i'm guessing the mushroom/toadstool is hand made, rather than printed?.

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Series about Angels
« on: March 07, 2023, 01:12:08 am »
Xcellent work, again.

 You've upgraded the wings. (?)
 The hours you spend on this shows in the ongoing improvements to the final cuts.
 Very well done Michel.   

 Give it a go rendering into .avi using anim8or. (uncompressed .avi) You're PC just might handle it ok.
 Various, (most?),  video editing software will take uncompressed .avi. (best quality, large files)
 I started long ago, and have stuck with 'sonic foundry vegas video. (now sony have taken over and i'm not sure if there's a free version)
 If you can get your hands on an old 'sonic foundry vegas video 4', it has unlimited video and audio tracks.
 Problem with using old sonic foundry program is compatability issues with some newer video and audio formats, tho if you stick with uncompressed .avi you'll be right. (format can be changed/video compressed, after final production.)
BUT, Times have changed, and a google for 'free video editing software' shows a whole lot of more recent programs.
 None of which i recognise!! Lol

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Add new bone "glitch" ???
« on: December 12, 2022, 03:09:42 am »

 Just to check:
 Make sure you select the bone first. <a>
 Then choose 'add bone'. <N>

 Yes, i understand what you're saying.....
.....and It would be very cool 

 the graph editor allows you to change morph values in real time by sliding key(s) up and down.  8)
 ...just saying... ;)

 Welcome.  :)

Ok, cool. Found the problem.
 You can set the strength and size of the weight brush by going 'Build -> Weight brush' (figure mode)
 I've entered a strength of 1, and a radius of 12. and gone over the glitchy parts of the fingers again. (fixed).
 The rest looks ok.
 By changing strength to 1, i gave it 'maximum stick'.
 Being able to change size of brush is really handy for little and 'close together' things.  ;)

OK. Either try again, or post your file and i'll take some snapshots of where the problems are, so you'll have a better idea at recognising what to look for.
 You could try repainting the second and third fingers. Just repaint over top of what you have already done, there's a good chance you'll catch the ones you've missed.

 In this video, at about 5.22, it shows where the hand has a 'glitch', and how i fixed it. What you've got is the same type of thing.

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