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Messages - johnar

Pages: 1 [2] 3 4 ... 69
In the first picture, showing the colors, go to wireframe view.
 The paint attaches to the vertices. (points). If you zoom in and around a bit and have a close look at the vertices on the glitchy fingers, you'll see where you've missed a point. It will be a different color than it should be. (a point is not stuck to the bone, so when you move the finger, the point doesn't move with it) It's a common thing, you just need to have a closer look to find the offending point.
Otherwise, looking good :)

 Nice one mr beaver.
 Perhaps if you put a slight curve in his fingers his arms won't look quite so 'robotic'. I saw an interesting animation tutorial, which i can't find right now, but it showed a nice keying trick to make arms more fluid.  (for this to work, you need to have a slight swing in shoulders, elbows and wrists, resulting in all these joints being keyed).  Basically, if you look in your timetrack at the keys, the keys for shoulder, elbow, and wrist, might all be done in the same frame number. The trick is to seperate the frame numbers for each joint. EG: the shoulder move fwd frame 2, then the elbow frame  4, then the wrist frame 6. (just for example sake). It gives a more natural swing to the arms. (shoulder moves, then elbow, then wrist) Hope i explained the idea ok.
 The jump can be improved by timing, like the bouncing ball tutorial.  'Faster down than up'.
 All in all, well done. :)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Figures and Named Com Parameters problem
« on: August 26, 2022, 12:36:20 am »
 That's good news Nellucnaiv.
 Speaking of backing up. I had a pc disaster a little while back, and have just spent the last few hours hooking up a replacement and moving 'backed up' files onto the new hard drive(s).
 Am missing a lot thus far, but do have other hard drives to search through yet. Am hoping there's some fairly recent backups there. Have got most of my programs back, just hoping to find some missing anim8or projects now.
 One thing i have gotten back is these. (below)
  Can't find the hosting links yet, but won't be hard to set that up again.
 yay for backups.  :)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Figures and Named Com Parameters problem
« on: August 23, 2022, 03:03:30 am »
Hi Nellucnaiv,
 Sorry i don't have a solution for your problem.
  I know this might be a painfull reminder, but shows the value of saving project files 'progressively/sequentially'.
 At the least, you may have been able to go back to an earlier file which would have contained the original name/settings from before you changed them and had problems.
  Sorry i can't be any help with this.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Undoing weights
« on: August 17, 2022, 09:45:32 pm »
osu karate nick.

Not sure of your exact situation, but Just in case you havn't used this option. You can go:' Build->Weight Brush' for other options.
 I'm not sure if this could work, but possibly you could set weight strength to 0.00 and paint over the weights you want to 'undo'. (can't test this myself at moment)  Or, if not, maybe 0.01 ?
 And remember, 1 color will paint straight over another.
 Just thoughts. Maybe not relevant to what you want to do.

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Eiffel Tower model?
« on: August 16, 2022, 08:50:46 pm »
 Hi there Steve :)
 Has been a while. That's just some pics i found on line. ;)
 I had a bit of a disaster on my main pc, a while ago now, so have been restricted to laptop.
 Should be able to save stuff from my main hard drives. Have found another desktop now, so just a matter of hooking it up...........
 Thumbs up. Keep well. Thank you.  :)

Sagadali523  Good luck with that model.  The bottom 'platform' looks a bit fat. If you decide to try tweaking it up a little, copy the original and work with the copy, so you've always got the original if 'things go wrong' ;)

General Anim8or Forum / Re: Eiffel Tower model?
« on: August 14, 2022, 05:15:31 am »
Not a 3D tutorial on how to make the eiffel tower, but some  reference images that could help if you decide to model it.
 You'd need to learn some basics of 3D modelling.  Extruding, usig ref images etc.
 The Anim8or manual will help, and other 3D modelling tutorials. (google) 
 It'll be a challenging journey, but you'd learn a lot by putting some serious time into this project.
 Good luck.
 The 'shape' could be modelled, and the laticework of beams could be done with textures.
   Will take a bit of working out to get it 'four sided'.
 If it's too much, you could find a free 3d download of the eiffel tower, and upskill your modelling by doing some slightly easier projects to start with. ;)

Paint job looks excellent. The shield could be a bit tidier, but the rest is 'spot on'.
 Love his stripey underpants! Lol.
 Great job.  :)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Birthday video is ready!
« on: July 24, 2022, 04:34:38 am »
Well done.
 Happy birthday mrbeaver.07   :)

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Morph or Not
« on: July 19, 2022, 06:57:04 am »
Interesting. :)

Finished Works and Works in Progress / Re: Imagined Engines
« on: July 18, 2022, 05:26:42 am »
 Very nice .  :)

Anim8or v1.0 Discussion Forum / Re: Morph or Not
« on: July 18, 2022, 05:18:01 am »
 I always thought that rule number 1 with morph targets is that you can't add or delete vertices once morph targets are made.
 Losing all the targets is probably a good thing, as none would have been useable after deleting any vertices, and you would then need to delete them all manually anyway.  ;)

 Using the same rig for multiple figures would work there.
 Export the rig only, then import again as new figure, then attach the new objects. :)
  Sequences will work on the new figure.

 That is so cool. :) :) :)

 No, but maybe ?

 Does opening your file with different builds of Anim8or fix the problem?

 I opened your file, the problem was happening.
 I did what i've described above, and then it wasn't happening anymore. (using the same version which i originally opened it with)

   Just observations, and a way to fix it. :)

 Edit: after further examination, i'm inclined to say yes, you have added t.rex to the wrong bone.
 To check this, i opened your file, and in figure mode, front view,  turned on the skinning button and selected the figure, so that the volume influences are showing. Then i double clicked on the big bone above the root, (through trex object), and, using the 'named com editor' which popped up,  changed the skinning method to weight painting. That showed the different colours of bones and influences on the object.
 The big bone above the root is red. The 'unskinned' t.rex object is purple. (it should be red)
 The left upper leg bone of t.rex is purple. This shows that the object is not attached to a red bone, but a purple one. Ie: left upper leg, which is where the problem occurs.
 Never mind buddy. It happens. ;)

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